ESREA’s Life History and Biography Network

Since its first meeting in Geneva, ESREA’s Life History and Biography Network (LHBN) has been a forum for a wide range of researchers, including doctoral students, drawing on different disciplinary backgrounds, and coming from every corner of Europe, and beyond.
The Network has been meeting for 28 years, with annual conferences centred on the role of biographical narratives, storytelling, subjectivity and intersubjectivity, as well as memory, in researching human lives and experiences of learning. Thematic and methodological interests, as well as dissatisfaction with dominant research methods and epistemologies, have drawn diverse researchers together, from different contexts, language communities and varying preoccupations. Our conferences are based on the recognition and celebration of the diversity of methods, approaches and epistemologies in researching adult education and learning. Our aim is to create spaces for dialogue, reflexivity and discovery, in order to sustain trustful collaboration, publications and collaborative research projects.

Scientific Committee

Members of the Scientific Committee come from Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
All are committed to facilitate communication across the different languages, to create a learning inclusive community and to offer good critical space for early as well as expert researchers.

Virtual Conference Pack

We would like to invite you to co-create and use a virtual conference pack.
Please send brochures, flyers, posters etc. to publicise your research and/or educational/teaching/training works (books, abstracts, courses).

go to: Virtual Conference Pack


All registered participants have access to the pre-recorded presentations for on-demand viewing.

The presentations are now available in our Virtual Conference Pack

In 2021, due to the circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference had to move ONLINE